Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Paint Shapes - Paint With File-Handling

As promised, we are back with a whole new Paint Applet, this time using javax.swing and JFrame. If you havent seen our previous attempt at the Paint Brush Applet, you can view it here. The bugs that we encountered last time have been somewhat solved in this applet.

First of all, the output looks something like this:

As you can see, one can draw rectangle, round rectangle and ovals to their file. The applet provides facility to save their file, rename it, save it in a different location and to view saved files. 

You can view the actual source code here. We have tried our best to comment wherever necessary. Still, if you have any doubts or any kind of ambiguity, please feel free to leave a comment: 


Now we will show how the 3 bugs mentioned in Paint Brush Applet are solved.

  1. The shapes that are added do not now disappear when paint() is called again (implicitely and explicitely). This is because all shapes are stored in an ArrayList of the name "shapes". The paint function simply draws all the shapes in the list again, thus losing none!
  2.  File Handling concepts are used to store and open files. Note that the files thus created do not have any extensions like .jpg, etc. and are thus read by the Windows System as of the type "file". It cannot be rendered effectively by any application other than this applet. Results may/may not be different in Linux-based systems because of its "Everything is a file" policy.
  3.  The "drawing area" is defined separately and does not include the menu bar, thus solving this error.

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