Thursday, 31 March 2016

Mapping in Java

                 The basic idea behind mapping is to establish a relation between two or more seemingly unrelated set of data structures. A common example of mapping is when a word string is mapped to its integer equivalent based on the ASCII values of it's characters. At a first glance, it might make little sense to develop a relationship between a string and an integer. However, mapping is very useful in programming and is, in fact, very common. 
                The main attraction to mapping is the reduced search time. While a linear search requires O(n) in the average case, search in mapping takes O(n) in worst case, only if the hashing function is not carefully chosen.

A mapping overview - buckets (ranges/numbers) mapped to keys (Strings)
(Image courtesy - Wikipedia)

Types of Mapping and Data Structures in Java:

1) One-to-one Map - java.util.hashmap:
                    HashMap is the most commonly used data structure that maps an object with a key. Both the object and the key can be of any data type, provided that the data type extends Object. Thus, primitive data types like int, float, double, etc. are not used as object and keys. Their corresponding wrapper classes like Integer, Float, Double, etc., however, can be used since they all extend Object.
                    HashMap maps any object using a key. Both the object and the key can be determined by the programmer, provided that the key is unique. Every key in the HashMap maps to one object only. Thus, this is a one-to-one mapping kind of data structure.
                     Already hashed objects can be retrieved from a key by the Map.get() method. Map.put() assigns an object to a key.

2) One-to-one bidirectional Map - org.apache.commons.collections.BidiMap:
                      One shortcoming of java.util.HashMap is that one cannot retrieve a key from its value. This is logical in the sense that the value is derived from the key, and hence the value should depend on the key and not the other way around. If, we try to search a key from a value, we may need to traverse the entire HashMap, which takes O(n) and defeats the purpose of a HashMap.
                       However, there may be times when we need to establish a bidirectional relationship between 2 objects whilst preserving the fast searching of a HashMap. Fortunately, BidiMap becomes useful in such cases. Note that in the case of BidiMap, the words "key" and "value" do not hold their semantic value. Since, both depend on each other, neither is a key. Both are simply values, strictly speaking.
                       BidiMap gives a convenient function getKey() which returns the key for the value argument. Both the key and value can be anything that extends the Object class. Again, "key" and "values" should not be taken literally.

3) One-to-many Map using java.util.hashmap:
                         Although generally used for one-to-one mapping, we can implement one-to-many mapping using java.util.hashmap. As mentioned earlier, the value can be anything that extends Object, we can use a List, or an ArrayList, or any other Collection for that matter as value, thus making the map one-to-many.
                          One key will thus map to one list of values. These values may now be arranged in any order as possible. If there is a specific order in the values, then an ArrayList is preferred, since it provides arbitrary access via indexes. In any case, the primary point of consideration here should be that the values must be arranged in a way that the main advantage of using a Map i.e. O(1) average search time should not be compromised to a large extent.

Traversing through a Map in Java:
                           There are a few ways to traverse through a map in Java, but the one we suggest is using an Iterator via a Map.Entry of the map. After assigning an iterator to a map, it traverses through the map via its next() method. A Map.Entry will create an Entry object from which the key and the value of the Entry can be easily obtained via the getKey() and getValue() methods. Both HashMap and BiDiMap can be traversed in the same way.


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